Monday, January 11, 2021

Dear 2021, Hold my coffee!


Dear 2021,

Please hold my coffee. I've got things to do.

Telling 2021 to hold my coffee video on my Youtube channel. 

Taking the advice of #authortube Carrow Brown, December 2020 was practice for 2021. I managed two releases and no one was more surprised than me but I proved to myself that I am not an imposter. 2021 will be my acorn year.

~~~~ Available now~~~  

Ghost With Ink, Book of Eloh 1 is available on Amazon now. $4.99USD for the ebook and $15.99USD for the print-on-demand.

A Huntsman’s Honor: The Huntsman of Adamos Book 1 is available on Amazon now. $1.99USD for the ebook and $11.99USD for the print-on demand.  

2021 The Plan for Relic of Time and Shadows War

~~~~~ Coming as scheduled~~~~  

~~~~A Huntsman’s Heart: The Huntsman of Adamos Book 2 - Jan 21, 2021

~~~~ A Huntsman’s Hatred: The Huntsman of Adamos Book 3 - Feb 19, 2021

~~~~ A Huntsman’s Horror: The Huntsman of Adamos Book 4 - March 19, 2021

~~~~ The War of Prophesies : Relic of Time and Shadows War Book 1 - June or July 2021  

In other Novel News!

The Sequel to Red Velvet and Anemones, "The Wild Anemone" is coming by April from Editingle Indie House.

Devoted Sister #2 : The Flame Burning Within is planned for May 2021. 

Ghost with Ink will drop on June 10th, 2021.

I am back to writing in the 2021 in "Ghost with Hope" for the #85K90, then "Servant of the Sun," followed by "E.L.M." 

Check out my Inkitt page, under the PenumbraMine name.  I am leaving the rough drafts there for those who can’t afford Kindles, but I appreciate any support.

Again, Thank YOU!!! for supporting my scribbles. Be Blessed, Mama Magie