Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy NaNoWriMo 2021 #WIPChat #CreativeSupport Vlog


#WIPChat #CreativitySupport
 Everything but writing.
What non-writing tools do you use to aid 
in your #amwriting creativity

 The topic came from with an interesting discussion thread I saw. One lady said she can't write without her Pinterest board, another made photo aesthetics, one made maps and sketches of places. I made a set of 4 videos and put them on youtube.  


Question 1: Have you ever used non-written creative prompts: ie. music, pictures or other items as tools to support your creativity?

A1: I used a lot of different non-writing things to help me “get in the mood” to write or change perspectives between WIPs. I have picture aesthetics, playlists, different colored pens, and even different candles.


Question 2: Do you make Pinterest Boards or Picture Aesthetics to support your creative process? Do you make drawings or maps? A mock-up book cover? Please share an image or share a link

A2: I make book covers and aesthetics for WIPs and different MCs. I feel like seeing them and seeing the places helps me step back into the #WIPWorld


Question 3:  Do you use music to aid in your creative process or as an aid to focus on your writing? What style is it? Would you share a link to the sound of your #WIPWorld?

A3: Music is very important to setting my mood. I use epic rock and modern symphonic rock like Ivan Torrent and Fearless Motivations for my sci-fi fantasy. I think movie and gamer music works great for writing. Brunuhville, Celtic Wolf, and Ziegler for werewolves. Electro-swing and Timmy Trumpet for Contemporary Women. My fav female MCs are voiced by Enya, Ruelle, Eurielle and Within Temptation.

Here is a link to my NaNo 2021 project playlist >>> Revelation Night Series Playlist


Question 4: Do you eat a certain thing or drink a certain beverage when you write? Does the ‘menu’ change with the #WIPWorld or Character you are writing?

A4: I always drink Coffee and Tea but my food changes. If my #WIPWorld is build around a baker, I find myself baking. A chef, I cook. The most challenging WIP menu I created I would never eat, it was sci-fi alien food-NOPE!

Question 5: Do you have a preferred environment to write in? A preferred location or favorite chair?
A5: I prefer to write at home, but I often #amwriting in the car or while waiting for appointments. I will say I want to be warm when I write.

Question 6: Is there a place you hate to write or a distraction that will absolutely ruin any chance you have of writing? What kills your #amwriting mood?

A6: Not really any place I hate writing, but #MomLife and #FarmLife means sometime things blow up. The kids destressing or bickering after school kills my mood, so no writing until after dinner or bedtime.

 Question 7  Do you have an #amwriting clock or schedule? Is it the same time of day specifically or a period of time? Or certain days of the week?

A7: Be for the Pandie my #amwriting time started with #5amwritersclub then after #farmlife and chores.  Now my writing time is in the midmorning to afternoon. I write to help keep my mind focused on something besides my health and pain issues. I find if I am not keeping my mind busy, I lose time.


Part 3

Community support system - find your creative posse or tribe

Question 8  Do you have family, friends, or acquaintances that actively and in-person support your writing? Does this make you feel better or worse about your writing?

A8 My family doesn’t read my writing because I don’t write in genres they read, except the Middle child. I will read books onto audio files for my brother and my Hubby has heard me talk about many new story ideas that excite me. I feel very sad and disconnected because they have no interest in something I work so hard on, and that is okay. They are not obligate to “LOVE” my passion and I truly do appreciate their tolerance of my sometimes VERY odd behavior.

Question 9  Do you belong to an in-person writing group, NaNo write-in group, or book club? How has the Pandemic limited or affected your socializing with your creative posse, if you have one?

A9 I live in a very rural area so no live-write-ins or even a book club.

Question 10   Support can come virtually as well, there are hundreds of online communities for writers. Do you feel connected to a particular online or social media writing group? Have you found your tribe?

A 10 I found reading and writing communities on several platforms and I love them. I have made many good friends that I hope to meet in the IRL someday. I know other writers through Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, Discord, and Instagram, though I am not on all these platforms daily or even weekly in some cases.

Question 11  Every interest group comes with SHADE! Have you encountered someone one with a disparaging opinion? Were you able to overcome the negativity or anger, or drama or did it linger and disrupt your creative process?

A 11: Who hasn’t? I try not to let it get to me but sometimes it does. I just remind myself there are people who like my stories and don’t care that I don’t have a specific degree or a literary agent. There was once that is really disturbed my process when someone I thought was friend adjacent bashed my #HMC2021 productivity goal and called me toxically positive. I felt like she was calling me liar to my face. It felt like my safe space had been violated and I had to step back for a bit, but the proof was on my Amazon and Inkitt pages, I still don’t understand what it bothered me so much and it took me some time to Stop Taking It Personally. That is the only advice I can give, “Don’t take it personally”, or step back until you can reach a place where you are no longer feeling it was personal. It wasn’t.

 Selfcare IS Creative Support.


Self-care IS Creative support and Procrastination can be too!

Self-care- YOU deserve it. Life is hard so get your dopamine reward when you can! 

Question 12 What non-writing related forms of selfcare do you enjoy? A walk and favorite café lunch, a bubble bath and glass of wine, a new notebook or novel to read, a cake slice and cuppa, or something else?

A 12 I will get myself a new coffee cup or a half-pound of gourmet coffee.  I also will bake a little something something sweet.

Question 13  Do you rank your rewards by goal value? Goal values means you purposely set some goals as having a greater reward (and stress value) than others? You know, the big goal little goal thing.

A 13 I set little and big goals but well… See the next question. 

Question 14 How do you reward yourself for reaching writing, editing, or other non-writerly goals? Do you PLAN to reward yourself or is it more of a spontaneous reward? Or, be honest, do you forget to reward yourself? 

A 14 – Yes, I plan my rewards for my goals but honestly, I usually forget.

Question 15 Do you procrastinate? Procrastination can be Sanity-Care and Self-Care when goals and life are overwhelming.

If you are finding other things to do than write, then it isn’t you; it’s your project, it’s your stress level, it’s our loud world. Don’t beat yourself up if you just don’t feel like writing. Support your creative process by not forcing it. 

 A 15 Hello, my name is Mama Magie and I procrastinate when I don’t want to do something (social media *cough cough*) or when I am stuck in a place. Sometimes, I just need to let my Muse flit off the plot path because the story flow just isn’t working. If my usual tricks for overcoming BLOCK don’t work, then I will switch projects, as proven by the number of times I have abandoned on particular story in favor of another.


Take care of yourself, self-care is important as an aspect of Creative Support. NaNoWriMo is one day away, You Can Do IT! Don’t stress the word count. #NoWordsLeftBehind

Thank you for reading and watching.  Be Blessed.

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