Friday, August 26, 2022

It WORKED!!! Using Tarot for Writers Method to write my #August80K

WOW! August is almost over and there has been so much writing going on. Instead of editing 80K this August, I insanely decided to write it and post it onto my Inkitt page for accountability. 

First of all I finished Camp PrepMo early but then due to personal thing happening with a close friend I decided it would be best to not work on Ink & Cacao as I have been promising all year. Let's just say the story too closely mirrored reality and just nope...  

So with only a few days left in July I rushed through preparing a new project and I admit - I CHEATED! I decided to write in the Pagosa Cliffs world, my second largest series. It is a well-established world parallel to reality and contemporary. I picked the character who was the villain in Stars Over Pagosa and built out his interesting backstory. I chose Lloyd's cousin Tim as my Male MC and the previously mentioned in Stars Over Pagosa Character Cassandra King as the FMC. Then I made the jump back in time because I love time travelling. 

The other things that made this project easier and harder, was I was already planning on using Tarot for Writers method of using Tarot Cards for prompts. Three cards per chapter to give me direction.

Why? because the main character Cassie is a tarot enthusiast, and I wanted that authenticity of the card which 'guide' her life to guide the writer. Sometimes it was a struggle, sometime is was very easy. Like I always knew to add a scene or two of my serial killer when one of his cards showed up, and they did. I always knew when to focus on Cassie's struggles and Anthropophobia or on Tim's guilt and longing for a life he felt he no longer deserved. 

I haven't really delved into Tim's poker and gambling addiction because sadly the only gambling addict I knew passed away from cancer and I haven't found another. I am a firm believer in sensitivity readers and reality although Tim isn't a usual gambling addict because he doesn't care about the money he loses, and the thrill of winning doesn't even touch him anymore.  So much work will come on the rewrite, and I may just toss the whole gambling addict angle because it just isn't ringing true to me. Tim is a sad and lonely man who believes he was cursed, and all his luck goes into his card and never into love which is the thing he longs for most.

Here is a link to Tarot for Writers by Corrine Kenner 

Tarot for Writers Book  

Here is the link to the accountability posting of Cards on the Table 

Cards on the Table on Inkitt

I also made Vlogs. Feel free to watch them at 1.5 speed because they are long. I explain the cards and prompts for every chapter. 

Vlog #3 coming soon 

Be blessed. 

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